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Friday, November 28, 2014


     In this unit I learned that a language approach refers to our view of how language takes place. It is clear that labguage has a lot to do with grammar and structures, but it also involves methods of teaching which are based on our views. In addition, the books presents a chart which displays how Language Approaches can be applied in the classroom. For example, the Structural Approach may be used in class through viewing the language as a system of structures used to convey communication. For this, the teacher can focus on meaning, through flashcards, posters, etc. Thus, students can get lots of  functions usage, practical structural, and discourse
     Another activity to be used in class is prompting learners to talk in pairs or in groups, so that they learn through controlled practice and can be corrected by their own classmates. Also, classroom practice may be conveyed through the appliance of oral skills development, then focusing on writing.
It’s worth considering that inside the classroom, we as teachers  need to apply a series of problem solving tasks
     Furthermore, The Presentation, Practice and Production (PPP) approach refers to introducing the language in context, practicing exercises, and putting what you learned into practice. Moreover, The Lexical Approach focus on isolated words and chucks such as collocations, idioms, and any other type of fixed expressions. Therefore, the Functional Approach focuses on functions, graded according to practical daily life situations communicatively. On the contrary, Grammar Translation applies grammar rules, learning content by heart, and emphazing accuracy. Also, Total Physical Response (TPR) give a lot of attention to grammar structure and vocabulary, but in here students learn by being exposed to the language not by heart anymore. 
     And there are so many other approaches used when teaching and learning such as Guided Discovery, Content-based Learning, Content and Language Integrated Learning, etc. So that they can be applied by following their own requirements and focus. 

Communicative Approach

Total Physical Response 

Presentation Practice Production

I suggest you to visit these webpages:

1. Cambridge University Press, (2011). Online TKT Practice Book. Retrieved from:

2. Richards, J. Rodgers T. (2001). Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. Cambridge Language Teaching Library.


  1. Dear Ana:
    I really enjoyed watching your videos, I got deeply understanding about Approaches to teach a language, I consider we as future teachers need to be up-dated with learning style and multiple intelligence activities, too in order to help students understand in an easy way.

  2. Anita you've made a deep analysis of the topic and it clearly shows that you have learnt a lot from it. I have to tell you that the videos you've chosen to expand your information are totally suitable and gave me ideas of how to teach to my students by using different approaches.

  3. GOOD Anita
    You imformation was so meaningful because it helps me to understand the topic better.
